Urgent need to rectify the utter disregard for Science regarding children’s corona vaccines

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Urgent need to rectify the utter disregard for Science regarding children’s corona vaccines

  • Indian Bar Association (IBA) has sought prosecution of Dr. V.G. Somani, Dr.RandeepGuleria and others for misuse of their position to create a false alarm of emergency in children, while there is no emergency
  • ‘Doctors for Truth’ and Concerned Citizens of India have written to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on October 7, 2021 regarding urgent need to rectify the utter disregard for Science while deciding corona related measures that have special worrying effects on children
  • IBA has sent its Letter of Representation on October 8, 2021 endorsing the concerns expressed in above mentioned letter and in addition, IBA has called for CBI investigation against Dr. V.G. Somani, RandeepGuleria and others for misuse and fraud on power

More than 100 doctors and more than 1000 members of civil society have signed a letter sent to Hon’ble Prime Minister of India on October 7, 2021 exhorting not to go ahead with vaccination of children as they have already developed immunity and are at no risk of severe Covid. The letter highlights that :

  1. The corona vaccines are not fully approved (approved for restricted use only) without any knowledge of long-term effects.
  2. Experts have confirmed that letting children catch Covid may be safer than giving them vaccines
  3. Our children have already acquired immunity post Covid infection and on the other hand, these experimental vaccines wherever they are rolled out, are not found to be safe enough
  4. Worldwide a cascade of serious Adverse Effects have been seen in adults and children in 2021 after the ‘Emergency Use Authorisation’ was granted for restricted use of Covid-19 vaccines
  5. As per a German Court verdict, that masks, distancing and regular testing of children for Covid-19 should not be done. These measures are not only not useful but are actually harmful

The signatories of the letter demand that:

  1. All Covid-19 vaccine clinical trials on children should be stopped.
  2. The Covid-19 vaccination for children should not be rolled out even if vaccines are given EUA for restricted use, and no vaccines, currently under trial, to be given EUA.
  3. Immediate reopening of schools and colleges without any delay or restrictions as advised by experts.
  4. No testing of asymptomatic children at school or home
  5. No experimental and unapproved drugs should be used in the treatment of children who test positive and/or have Influenza Like Illness (ILI) rather children should be subject to standard of care using proven, tested and repurposed drugs and Ayush protocols under an Integrated Medicine Healthcare approach. It is our experience that experimental drugs have proved harmful for adults in the 1st and 2nd wave.
  6. No testing, tracing, quarantine at mass level either routinely or as part of job, earning activity, entry to certain places or for travel as has been scientifically advised once community transmission has set in.

Indian Bar Association (IBA) has sent its Letter of Representation on October 8, 2021 to Hon’ble Prime Minister, Hon’ble Home Minister, Hon’ble Health Minister, Hon’ble Chief Ministers Hon’ble Health Ministers of all the states of India

While IBA is in full agreement with the facts shared in the letter by Doctors for Truth and Civil Society, it has called for:

  1. Immediate direction to C.B.I. for investigation and prosecution under Section 409, 420, 115, 109, 323, 511, 120(B) etc. of Indian Penal Code and provisions of Prevention of Corruption Act against Dr. RandeepGuleria, and others for misuse and fraud on power in:
    i) Giving Emergency Use Authorization for Children’s Vaccines, when there is no emergency as there is no serious threat to children;
    ii) Running false narratives and conspiracy theories to create fear in the mind of parents, children and teachers about Covid-19, when children are most safe and not having any serious risk from infection from SARS-CoV-2.
  2. Immediately directing investigation about corruption being done to give undeserving advantage of around Rs. 80,000 Crores to children’s Vaccine manufacturers.
  3. Immediate direction for stopping any process for including children’s corona vaccines in National Immunization Programme.

Download Related Documents :-

Download the IBA’s Letter of Representation dated October 8, 2021

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